This section is for riders who are new to the sport or thinking of getting involved - the idea is to cover some of the practicalities and stuff which isn't immediately obvious.
PLEASE NOTE: This section is being developed currently so there will be gaps and changes till it's finished.
Overview of this section and links to all the sub-pages:
No bike yet?
- Two stroke of 4 stroke
- Kick or electric start
- Engine CC
- Different makes
- Can't I just use my motocross bike?
Already got a bike:
- Getting your bike to and from the club
- van
- trailer
- towbar rack
- When you can (and can't) ride
- any time you like, just not solo and not on comp days
- Whatsapp group to organise
- Thursday club
- confidence comes with having the right kit
- armour
- helmets
- boots
- prior injuries
- Competing
- Observing
- How the scoring works (youtube video)
- "Noobs and wobblers skills series"
- "Noobs and wobblers whatsapp group (please email or ask in the main whatsapp group)
- Training/advice days