Milton Buzzard MCC
Milton Buzzard MCC

Milton Buzzard Motorcycle Club

Who are we?

Milton Buzzard Motor Cycle Club was founded in 1977 by a group of enthusiastic riders who saw a need for a club with a piece of land to call their own. All the other clubs in the area were restricted to a few sites which the land owner would allow them to use when holding a competition, but not for practice. Working with The Parks Trust they gained the lease of Mount Farm and set about developing this land into a trials ground. With many years’ work now completed the land has been landscaped to suit the exacting demands of trials riding and remains almost unique in this country as a permanent trials facility.

So what is Trials?

Ever since the first few motorcycles were built around the beginning of the 20th Century, people started to find ways to test both man and machine in order to find out which make of bike and which rider was the best. In the early days, trials were simply a route between two points and the challenge was merely to arrive at the finish. As machines became more and more reliable it was necessary to make greater demands on them requiring the bikes to climb ever steeper hills and turning in ever tighter corners. Riders were then required to perform these “sections” without stopping and following on from that, without putting their feet down. This then was the start of the modern sport of Trials as we know it today. The bikes have evolved into highly specialised machines bearing little resemblance to their road going ancestors, indeed very few modern trials bikes are ever registered for road use today as they are not practical as road transport.

A modern Trial is held almost entirely on private land and consists of a number of “sections marked out by the organisers in which the riders are observed by a judge. They lose marks for every time they put a foot down, stop, fall off or ride out of the section and the winner of the trial is the rider who has lost the fewest marks. Obstacles are put in the riders path to make it even more difficult to ride without fault in some way. Today’s top riders can do some incredible things with their bikes which to the spectator seem to defy gravity.


What do we do?

Milton Buzzard is essentially a club for the Trials rider, we don’t have any age restrictions, young and old are more than welcome, indeed the youth section of the club is very active, with a summer evening series of events being especially popular. Entries of youth riders to all our other competitions are also very healthy and growing.

We run about eight Trials competitions per year , together with training days which are held regularly through the year. Each trial is set out by a team of dedicated club members usually on the day before an event and three levels of rider ability are catered for. Experts will be asked to ride over the stiffest of routes with a slightly easier route for intermediate riders. Finally for the beginner, an easy route is provided. All three routes will usually be asked to ride a total of ten sections four times and the whole trial will usually take about four hours to complete. The results of each trial go towards a club championship with an open championship run alongside this for members of other clubs who enter our events.

Of course many of our members just want to ride and have no wish to compete, that's fine all are welcome, that's what Mount Farm is for.


Our location:

Mount Farm Trials Park

Milton Keynes


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If you have any queries please contact us:



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